How to stay clean while camping

Even camp lovers love camping a little less after a few days in the woods. When the funk starts setting in we all know its the joy of that first shower and promise of clean sheets is what keeps us going. Lucky for us there’s a few camp hygiene habits that will help fight the funk.

Extra Clothes and Fresh Underwear

Its always best to bring at least two sets of clothing. One will be your day clothes while the other is reserved for sleeping. I would leave the pajamas at home, while yes they may be cozy. Its better to sleep in an extra set that can be worn out on the last day. If you just slept in them a few nights they’re as good as clean right.

Nothing is worse than dirty underwear. Yet we still needed our mothers to constantly remind us. Lucky for us underwear is cheap light and packable so its a luxury we can afford. Its best to pack a pair for each day. When packing use a Ziploc bag to keep clean underwear clean and most importantly dry. Dry underwear will help with smells but also limit chafing.

Daily Rinse

No matter how hard you try dirt is going to get places. Its just part of camping. But nothing will ruin a night of sleep like dirt in a sleeping bag so its best to rinse off in some way each day.

Take a Dip

First and easiest way to rinse off it to go for a swim if any clean bodies of water are available. This will wash off any dirt or sweat you have accumulated through the day. Just be sure to rinse off with water only, even biodegradable soap should not go directly into streams ponds or lakes.

Camp Shower

The most luxurious option of the three. Camp showers and solar showers allow you to stay clean by washing with water and soap in the woods. Since the used water will be going directly into the environment soap and location selection is important. Soaps should be unscented and biodegradable. Be sure to locate the shower 200 feet away from both your campsite and any water sources.


The final and least fun version of the daily rinse is the wipe down. It gets the job done and will keep you warmer in the winter. It can also easily be done inside a tent which is necessary when staying at busy sites where privacy is harder to find. Baby wipes will get the job done but adult wipes are generally more durable.

Dry shampoo

If we cant wash the hair the next best step is to limit grease. Dry shampoo is a powder that is shaken directly on hair and worked into the roots. The excess oils are absorbed allowing a few more days before the greasiness grosses you out.

Moisture Wicking Clothing

Bacteria and the smells that accompany them thrive in moist warm environments. Moisture wicking clothing will help to keep things dry during the day while you are active. These fabrics also dry fast so they will be ready to go again in the morning. Just be sure to hang them up.

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